Thursday, November 12, 2015

Birthday girl

Moxie turned one year old yesterday, and she's ENORMOUS! She is 14 pounds according to the bathroom scale. The vet says she isn't particularly fat, just bulky.

She is still kitten-y in temperament, despite being larger than most full-grown cats.

And because this blog is supposedly about Kona, here he is cuddling up on a bean bag with my daughter and a good book.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Squeaky (whiny?) clean

Kona managed to roll in something foul the other day, so he was less than April fresh. He had also gotten some fleas recently so it was time for a bath. He was... unenthusiastic. I couldn't get any pictures of him in the tub as I needed both hands to deal with him, but here he is post-cleansing.

I think he figured he was safe on base there.

He doesn't have a lot of fur, so it didn't take much to get him dried off.

Looking a bit ruffled.

It was unusually warm here for November, so once he was dry I let him back out (under supervision to make sure he didn't re-stinkify himself). I think he forgave me once I started grilling. 

And on the eighth day, God created WEBER. And is was soooo goooood!

Kona got a piece, of course.