Kona managed to roll in something foul the other day, so he was less than April fresh. He had also gotten some fleas recently so it was time for a bath. He was... unenthusiastic. I couldn't get any pictures of him in the tub as I needed both hands to deal with him, but here he is post-cleansing.
I think he figured he was safe on base there.
He doesn't have a lot of fur, so it didn't take much to get him dried off.
Looking a bit ruffled.
It was unusually warm here for November, so once he was dry I let him back out (under supervision to make sure he didn't re-stinkify himself). I think he forgave me once I started grilling.
And on the eighth day, God created WEBER. And is was soooo goooood!
Kona got a piece, of course.